Drug poisoning deaths exceed deaths from auto wrecks in USA

drug poisoning deaths in the United States exceeded those killed on the nations roadways, with 41,000 drug poisoning deaths compared to some 38,000 deaths from traffic accidents.

A report issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) shows that in 2008 drug poisoning deaths became the leading cause of injury death in the USA, with almost nine out of 10 poisoning deaths caused by drugs. For the first time since 1980 the number of drug poisoning deaths in the United States exceeded those killed on the nations roadways, with 41,000 drug poisoning deaths compared to some 38,000 deaths from traffic accidents. The report, Drug Poisoning Deaths in the United States, 1980–2008 (Download a PDF version at end of story) states that in the past 30 years the number of drug poisoning deaths increased 498 percent – from about … Continue reading

Construction workers must submit to instant drug tests

Australian building and construction industry workers will have to submit to random drug of abuse (DOA) instant drug tests (instant narcotics and alcohol testing) following a ruling by that country’s peak workplace relations tribunal, Fair Work Australia (FWA). The ruling by the full bench of FWA is binding on all building and construction industry workers and came after an employee on a road-widening project refusing to submit to DOA instant drug tests when requested to do so by his employer. The Master Builders Association of Victoria (MBAV), the local chapter of the national body which claims more than 31,000 member companies, welcomed the DOA instant drug tests decision, calling it a “landmark” workplace health and safety decision. “We’re not moving … Continue reading